South Beach, where beach erosion and escarpments occurred due to inlet migration northward. PELICAN BAY SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT The Pelican Bay community has approximately 13 miles of sidewalks that connect the residential, commercial and recreational areas. These sidewalks provide pedestrian passage and exercise routes for residents and guests who enjoy walking, running, casual biking and other activities. The sidewalk system was constructed approximately 40 years ago to outdated standards. They are typically 5 feet or less in width, which does not accommodate comfortable use and passing distance for various users. The asphalt surface has needed frequent maintenance from cracking, settling, upheaval and tree root invasion. The uneven surfaces are a safety concern, and the frequent maintenance is costly. Pelican Bay will replace approximately 13 miles of existing sidewalks at increased widths with new materials. The sidewalk replacement project involves removal of the existing asphalt and some base material to install what will typically be new 6-foot-wide concrete to the proper grade and slope. Sidewalk crossings at street intersections and driveways will be reconstructed to meet Americans with Disabilities (ADA) standards, and proper signage and striping will be installed to demark crosswalks and stop bars per the Manual of UniformTraffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Phase 1 of the sidewalk project, along Green Tree Drive, is complete. Phase 2 of the project, which includes the rest of the Pelican Bay sidewalks will tentatively be completed in 2024. The sidewalk replacement project will improve pedestrian safety and enhance the character and usability of the entire community’s sidewalk system. ADVISORY BOARD The Pelican Bay Services Division Board advises the Collier County Board of County Commissioners on important issues that pertain to Pelican Bay residents. The Advisory Board also assists staff with preparing the annual budget. The 11-member (9 residential, 2 commercial) Board is elected by the residents and commercial stakeholders within Pelican Bay. Anyone interested in applying for an advisory board position can visit https://www.colliercountyfl. gov/your-government/advisory-boards/ online-advisory-board-application. The Board meets regularly on the second Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. All residents are welcome and encouraged to attend. For more information, visit your-government/pelican-bay- services-division or call 252-1355. ORGANIZATIONS IN THE BAY Pelican Bay Member Guide 2023 102