Pelican Bay Member Guide 2023

Over a quarter of a century ago, a group of women in Pelican Bay formed an organization to enrich the lives of members, and the group is still strong and vibrant today. Joining the Pelican Bay Women’s League (PBWL) is a fantastic way for women to quickly make new friends and enjoy organized activities while in residence. It is as true today as it was when the League was first organized — Pelican Bay is our community and meeting others here makes life more interesting. The League is more than just the organizer/host of a luncheon or card game. It is a sisterhood, a way of connecting and a way to make Pelican Bay more deeply our “home” when we are here. Wherever we are, we want to connect with others and enjoy life. As women, we want to make friends, attend events, learn something new, play cards, plan a party, organize a tea, sing songs, discuss books and just be together and laugh. Volunteers on the League’s board and leaders of our Interest Groups work diligently to offer activities to make your stay in Pelican Bay more meaningful and enjoyable. The all-volunteer board organizes social, cultural and educational programs and activities to promote the spirit of our community. A popular and very active organization, membership is open to women residents. Becoming a member is a wonderful way to make friends throughout Pelican Bay, share common interests and enjoy new and stimulating activities. October through May, the League sponsors monthly luncheons at various country clubs and restaurants in the Naples area, each with a theme and entertainment. Special events are offered during the season, such as a party at the beach or a dinner dance at the club. Various guided tours of area organizations, points of interest, businesses and museums are also offered. A plethora of interest groups is offered by the League with something for everyone. Members are encouraged to become involved in these smaller, more focused groups organized to learn or pursue a passion. These activities include Mahjongg, Book Club, Bridge, Ladies Night Out, Herbs Study, Memoir Writing, Bocce, Junior Member Group, At-Home Coffees, Writer’s Group, Bay Widows, Mindfulness, Walking Wednesdays, Acoustic Jam Sessions, French Club, Women of Watercolor, and many more. After becoming a member for a nominal fee, more information about these groups can be found on the League’s website, The PBWL actively participates in the larger Pelican Bay community. Annually, it joins the Pelican Bay Foundation as a cosponsor of the annual resident Art Show at the Community Center each spring. The PBWL also sponsors a weekly Speakers Series, open to all women residents of Pelican Bay, which features accomplished women who live in Pelican Bay. Two community outreach groups, the Kneedlers and the Songbirds, interact beyond Pelican Bay. The Kneedlers knit and crochet lap blankets for wounded warriors, shawls for those in nursing homes and children’s clothing and dolls for area organizations. The Songbirds perform at elder care communities as well as at Pelican Bay venues. The PBWL also has a group of member “Ambassadors” who represent the League in their own Pelican Bay neighborhoods. The PBWL website offers information regarding its events, interest groups and activities. Membership in the League is necessary to participate in any activity and registration for luncheons and special events can be found online. The League warmly welcomes all women residing in Pelican Bay. We invite you to join us and participate in some or all our activities! Apply for membership on our website,, and join the fun. We look forward to meeting you and becoming your resource for people to meet and things to do. PELICAN BAY WOMEN’S LEAGUE ORGANIZATIONS IN THE BAY 105 Pelican Bay Member Guide 2023