Pelican Bay Member Guide 2023

2.A. GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT The work of Pelican Bay Foundation (PBF) is governed by a Board of Directors, directed by a President and administered by staff. Each plays a distinct role in the success of the Pelican Bay community. This document summarizes the work of the Foundation and the respective roles of the Board and the President and Foundation staff who act under the direction of the President. 1. Governing Documents. To the extend not otherwise defined herein, all capitalized terms and all terms which are otherwise defined in the Foundation Governing Documents, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in such Governing Documents. 1.1. The “Governing Documents” of the Foundation are in the rank order as noted below. In the event of a conflict between Governing Documents, clarification shall be interpreted in the below order of priority. 1.1.1. Second Amended and Restated Declaration and General Protective Covenants 1.1.2. Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation 1.1.3. Amended and Restated Bylaws 1.1.4. Rules and Regulations, in its entirety 2. Purposes of the Foundation. In its Articles of Incorporation originally recorded May 11, 1979, as amended and restated from time to time, and as recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, FL, and state the general nature and purposes of the Foundation. The purposes of the Foundation are to: 2.1. Maintain, preserve, control and operate property within Pelican Bay, including the Natural Resource Protection Area. 2.1.1. Establish reasonable rents, fees or other charges for use of the Foundation Common Areas. 2.1.2. Establish and/or modify standards for design, construction, finishing, landscaping and to administer processes for approval of all new building and/or modifications of all structures within Pelican Bay. 2.1.3. Enforce covenants (including neighborhood covenants when needed), restrictions and other provisions related to a multitude of items including, but not limited to parcels, driveways, parking areas, utility lines, antennas, flagpoles, temporary structures, outdoor equipment, mailboxes, signs, lighting, permitted vehicles and pets. 2.1.4. Levy fines/suspend membership for violation of the Governing Documents. 2.2. Acquire, construct, improve maintain, repair, replace and operate Foundation Common Areas. Common Areas include, but are not limited to the Commons, Community Center, tennis facilities, berm, boardwalks, landscaping, decks, restaurants, Oakmont and Ridgewood parks. 2.3. Enhance civic, social, and recreational interests of its Members. The Foundation will define what civic, social and recreational interests Governance andManagement...... Pg. 111 Committees……............................. Pg. 114 Advisory Groups……..................... Pg. 115 Qualifications forMembership; Issuance of IdentificationCards…............... Pg. 115 Gifts to the PelicanBay Foundation... Pg. 117 Leasing……..................................... Pg. 117 Assessments……............................. Pg. 118 Inspection of Official Records…... Pg. 118 Official Records….......................... Pg. 119 Architectural andDesign Review… Pg. 119 Pets..................................................... Pg. 119 Certified Service Animals and/or Emotional Support Animals........... Pg. 120 Member Code of Conduct…......... Pg. 121 Harassment of an Employee by aMember…............................... Pg. 122 Fining and Suspension of Members for Violations of the Governing Documents….................................. Pg. 123 Smoking……................................... Pg. 123 Community Center……................. Pg. 123 Common Areas……....................... Pg. 124 Beach……....................................... Pg. 125 Restaurants and Bars….................. Pg. 126 Fitness Center................................. Pg. 126 Tennis……...................................... Pg. 126 Trams……...................................... Pg. 127 Sailboats, Kayaks andCanoes....... Pg. 128 Pelican Bay Post……...................... Pg. 129 Communication……...................... Pg. 129 RULES & REGULATIONS 111 Pelican Bay Member Guide 2023