5.12. Establishing employee rules and regulations, work schedules, internal controls, and a performance appraisal system that is administered no less than annually for every employee. 5.13. Maintaining official documents and review of Foundation policies and procedures while adhering to all legal and regulatory requirements affecting the Foundation. 5.14. Overseeing risk management programs to ensure adequate safety measures are in effect to protect Members, employees and Foundation assets. 5.15. Preparing annual budgets plus interim forecasts as needed. 5.16. Establishing disaster and emergency plans for the Foundation operations. 5.17. Representing the Foundation in community activities. 5.18. Keeping informed of trends in communities like Pelican Bay and of legal and legislative actions and trends that may affect the community. Keeping Board informed of these developments. 5.19. Overseeing the preparation of all Foundation publications and communications. 5.20. Administering voting procedures established by the Board. 5.21. Keeping the Board informed on important operating matters and problems in real time. The Board may supplement or limit these duties of the President through the President’s employment contract. 6. Relationships among Board of Directors, President and Staff. Relationships among the Board of Directors, President, and staff are guided by the following: 6.1. Individual Board Directors should not direct staff. The President reports directly to the Board of Directors and takes direction from the Board. Staff take direction through the President. Specific staff may, and will, have duties, or designated assignments which will require normal working relationships and regular interaction with Board and committee members. 6.2. Board Directors are to be role models in their observance of all Rules and Regulations of the Foundation. See all appendices to this document at the Foundation website, pelicanbay.org. 2.B. COMMITTEES 1. Standing Committees are created to advise the Board and for Members to become involved in Foundation activities. 2. Ad Hoc Committees are temporary and are created to address specific topics as directed by the Board. 3. Appointment of Committees: The Board has the exclusive authority to appoint the members of both Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees. Once a Committee is established, if there is a vacancy on a Committee, the Board shall appoint a replacement after receiving recommendations from the Committee in accordance with the procedure below. Members of the Board may be appointed to Committees provided the number of members of a single Committee who are also Board members shall not constitute a majority of the Committee. Once a Committee is established, the Board appoints the Chair and Vice Chair each year at the Organizational Meeting of the Board or at the time the Committee is established. 3.1. Notification of a Committee vacancy shall be placed in the Foundation’s email blast, on the Foundation website, and in the next available Pelican Bay Post, advising the community of an opening on the Committee. 3.2. Candidates who are interested in filling a posted Committee opening shall complete a Standing Committee Membership Form and submit it to the Committee Chair. 3.3. Recommendations for filling vacant Committee positions shall be made at a scheduled meeting of the Committee and those recommendations shall be presented to the Board by the Chair of that Committee for its consideration. The Board has the discretion to follow or not follow the recommendations in the appointment of new Committee members. 4. Creation of Charter: The Committee shall prepare a charter for approval by the Board, and the Committee shall follow the guidelines in that charter. 5. Tenure 5.1. It is intended that the duration of Committee membership shall not exceed six years of service. If there is a need to stagger terms, the Chair shall assign terms. 5.2. Committee members who miss three consecutive meetings are automatically removed from the Committee and the Committee shall recommend a replacement pursuant to sub-section 3. of this Section. RULES & REGULATIONS Pelican Bay Member Guide 2023 114 PelicanBay.org