3.8 Repeated citation for violations of this provision may result in the Board’s revoking the animal’s access to Foundation Common Areas and Amenities. 4. Application 4.1 Members/Tenants/Guests must submit an Application to the Foundation for review and approval to be granted Expanded Access for their Assistance Animal. The application process cannot be waived even if the animal has existing certifications with airlines or other outside organizations. 4.2 Approval of an Assistance Animal shall be given on an annual basis; therefore, a Member/Tenant/Guest must complete the entire application process and resubmit current and updated documents each year. 4.3 Approval extends to a specific animal only and is not transferable to another animal. If circumstances change and/or the previously approved animal changes in any way, a new application must be submitted for review and approval. 4.4 Any violation of any rules by an Assistance Animal will be considered a violation by the Member/Tenant/Guest, and they will be required to remove the Assistance Animal from the premises. Approval for Expanded Access may be withdrawn. 4.5 Any and all liability for the actions of the animal is the sole responsibility of the Member/Tenant/Guest, and the Member/Tenant/Guest agrees to indemnify and hold the Pelican Bay Foundation harmless from any and all liability. 5. Rules for Expanded Access 5.1 Outdoor Restaurants or EventsWhere Food Is Being Served a. At Foundation restaurants or events where food is being served Assistance Animals are permitted in outdoor areas only. b. Members/Tenants/Guests may be asked to present both their Foundation Issued Card and their Assistance Animal ID Card to verify access with their Assistance Animal. c. Assistance Animals are to remain on the floor, except when performing an assistance related task, and shall not be allowed on chairs, tables, or other such furnishings. Aisles and walkways shall not be blocked in any manner and shall be kept free and clear when Assistance Animal is present. d. Seating, food, beverages, or other items involved in food service operations, are provided for customers use only. Assistance Animals shall not be fed and hydrated within food and beverage service areas. Owners must bring water and container to provide hydration for their Assistance Animal. The containers shall be placed outside of and away from food and beverage service areas. Clean up is the sole responsibility of the owner. 5.2 TramAccess a. Members/Tenants/Guests who desire to use the boardwalks or go to the restaurants with their Assistance Animal must ride in a tram with their animal. b. Members/Tenants/Guests must present both their Foundation Issued Card and their Assistance Animal ID to Security or a Tram Driver for the Assistance Animal’s access onto a tram. c.All animals must be held firmly in the Member’s/Tenant’s/Guest’s lap, or if too large,must sit on the floor of the tram. All of the animal’s feet must be on the floor, and theanimal must fit within the confines of the tram. No animals are permitted to sit on aseat while in a tram. d.If another Member/Tenant/Guest has an issue with the animal getting on a tram, theMember/Tenant/Guest and their accompanying Assistance Animal will be asked totake the next tram. If an Assistance Animal is already on a tram, an objectingMember/Tenant/Guest will be asked to take the next tram. 6.Assistance Animal Restrictions: Assistance Animals, even with approval for Expanded Access,are not permitted in the following areas: 6.1 Any inside dining, inside bar or kitchen areas. 6.2 Any indoor areas where food is served. 6.3 Any Pelican Bay Foundation or Collier County Beach. 6.4 Any boardwalk, except when riding on a tram. 4.A. MEMBER CODE OF CONDUCT 1. Code of Conduct: Members and guests are required to adhere to certain basic standards of conduct and behavior and to 121 Pelican Bay Member Guide 2023 PelicanBay.org