Pelican Bay Member Guide 2023

2.5. Solicitation and business transactions are prohibited 2.6. Public advertising of events to the general public is prohibited. 3. Meeting Rooms 3.1. Availability 3.1.1. Member Organizations and Neighborhood Associations may use meeting rooms/event space at no charge. Neighborhood Associations having a community room are expected to hold meetings at their respective locations unless attendance is expected to exceed capacity. 3.1.2. Commercial Members and Eligible Users hosting private events are required to pay a fee. 3. 1.3. Use of meeting/event space requires a Room Usage Agreement approved by the Activities and Events Manager. 3.2. Attendance 3.2.1. Member Organizations and Neighborhood Associations meetings are available to persons holding Foundation issued cards and accompanied guests. Guest may not bring guests. 3.2.2. Guests shall not exceed 10% of total attendance at regularly recurring activities at meetings of Member Organizations. 3.3. Scheduling 3.3.1. Regularly scheduled meetings of Member Organizations are carried over each year. 3.3.2. Member Organizations and Neighborhood Associations may reserve space for the upcoming season beginning May 1. 3.3.3. Commercial Members and Eligible Users hosting private events may reserve space for the upcoming season beginning June 1. 4. Art Studio 4.1. Instructors 4.1.1. Only authorized instructors under contract with the Foundation are allowed to provide instruction, with the exception of the Pelican Bay Women’s League (PBWL). 4.2. General Rules 4.2.1. Artists must use their own art supplies. 4.2.2. Supplies may not be stored in the Studio and must be taken home at the end of each session. 4.2.3. Only non-odorous thinners are allowed. Turpenoid is required as a thinner for oils. 4.2.4. Cleaners may not be poured down the sink drains. Only water-soluble materials may be cleaned in the sink. 4.2.5. Each artist is required to clean his/her workspace before leaving. 4.2.6. Open flames, or materials that produce dust/residue, are not permitted. 5.B. COMMON AREAS Eligibility: The berm, boardwalks, decks and parks may only be used by persons holding a Foundation Issued Card or Accompanied Guests. Persons holding a Guest Card may not bring guests. 2. General Rules – Berms, boardwalks and decks 2.1. Pedestrians, bicycles, baby strollers, roller bladers, roller skaters, and wheelchairs and trams may use berms. 2.2. Pedestrians, baby strollers, wheelchairs and trams may use the boardwalks and decks. 2.3. Motorized vehicles, other than trams and electric wheelchairs, are prohibited from the berms, boardwalks and decks. 2.4. Traffic shall keep to the right. 2.5. Pets are allowed on berms, but must be on a leash and under the control of an eligible user at all times. No one may have a pet on a leash while riding a bicycle, roller skating or roller blading. Pets are not allowed on the boardwalks or decks at the beach. Eligible Users are responsible for their pets’ waste removal. 2.6. Persons using berms, boardwalks and decks will do so at all times in a manner that does not endanger the safety of others. Accordingly, the speed and manner of operation of bicycles, roller skates and roller blades shall be adjusted to traffic conditions, congestion, ingress and egress points and weather conditions. The boardwalks, decks and berm shall not be blocked at any time. Bicycles should be equipped with a bell that is to be used when passing. 2.7. Persons using the berms, boardwalks and decks will present a Foundation Issued Card to Foundation staff upon request and shall carry the card at all times while on Foundation property. Members with a card may have up to six (6) guests in accompaniment without a Guest Card. RULES & REGULATIONS Pelican Bay Member Guide 2023 124