3.10. Kayaks and canoes from the beach must be launched and land between orange cones – “Cone Zone”. 3.11. Kayaks and canoes from the beach must be kept within established boundaries, which are no further north than the North Beach Facility (Marker36) and no further south than the Naples Grande Hotel (copper top tower just beyond Clam Pass). Distance offshore may not exceed the operator’s ability to see the caution and/or L-Flag on the beach. The L-Flag is the black and yellow-checkered flag and is raised below the American Flag. 3.12. Kayaking and canoeing will be suspended if winds exceed 15mph or if waves exceed three feet. 6A. PELICAN BAY POST 1. Editor: The Editor of the Post shall be the President of the Pelican Bay Foundation. If the President should be unable to serve in this capacity, then the Foundation’s Board appointed liaison to the Post shall exercise the duties and responsibilities of the Editor on an interim basis. 2. Article Length: There is no length limitation on editorial content by the Pelican Bay Foundation. All other articles should be limited to 650 words. 3. Special Articles: At its discretion, the Foundation may accept articles from community organizations including but not limited to Pelican Bay Property Owners Association, Mangrove Action Group, Men’s Coffee, Pelican Bay Women’s League, Collier County Commissioner, Collier County Sheriff, North Collier Fire District, or other articles regarding events specific to or of interest to the Community. Exceptions to this policy can be made by the Foundation on a space available basis. 4. Community Forum: Members may express their opinion on Community issues by submitting a letter to the Foundation for publication in the Community Forum column. These articles should be 300 words or less and must be signed by the Member submitting it. Anonymous letters will not be accepted. Authors will be verified. 5. Advertising: If space remains, the Foundation has the right to include other articles submitted by advertisers, identified as such, who support the cost of the Post. Advertisements are governed by the following: 5.1. Current and past employees are prohibited from advertising. 5.2. Any business which advertises must have all licenses necessary for their business. 5.3. The Foundation may accept advertising for charitable events by 501(c)(3) organizations that may be of interest to the community. 5.4. The Foundation reserves the right to reject any advertising. 6. Classifieds: Classified advertising is available to Members for a fee. The contact information in the classified ad (i.e., name address, phone number) must be that of the Member. 7. Publication Schedule: The Post is published twice a month, November through May, and once a month, June through October. A schedule of editorial submission deadlines will be available on request to the Foundation. 8. Publication Delivery: A copy of each issue of the Pelican Bay Post will be mailed to every Pelican Bay Member household at the address the Foundation has on file. The Post is not forwarded to any address and is not delivered internationally. Recent copies of the Post will be posted on the Foundation website in a downloadable format at wwww.pelicanbay.org/members/ news-and-connections/pelican-bay-post/. 6. B. COMMUNICATION 1. Communication Means The following print and digital media shall be used to communicate to the Members. 1.1. Foundation website – www.pelicanbay.org 1.2. Foundation community paper – Pelican Bay Post 1.3. Email – Today in the Bay Newsletter, alerts 1.4. Pelican Bay mobile app 1.5. Digital Boards 1.6. Annual Member Guide 1.7. Surveys 129 Pelican Bay Member Guide 2023 PelicanBay.org