Did you know that sea turtles are among the oldest creatures on Earth — remaining essentially unchanged for 110 million years? Though there are five species of sea turtles in Florida’s waters, the loggerhead turtle is the most common. Each summer, as the Gulf of Mexico warms, something wondrous happens on our beach. Beginning in May, sea turtles come ashore to begin nesting for several months, with the last of the hatchlings emerging at the end of October. Although a female may lay several nests during one season, they only nest every two or three years. Each nest contains approximately 100 pingpong ball-sized eggs that will hatch after a two-month incubation period. Female loggerhead turtles return to the same beach where they hatched to lay their eggs. Loggerheads are listed as a threatened species, in danger of extinction, by the Federal Endangered Species Act. To protect the future of these ancient mariners, restrictions have been put in place and are enforced with severe penalties for failure to comply. Because turtles can become “trapped” by items left behind on the beach, all beach umbrellas, beach furniture, toys and objects must be removed from the beach by sunset and until the County sea turtle monitoring staff has checked our beachfront in the morning. To assure that our beach is free of obstacles, our Beach Department staff will “cable and lock” all furni- ture between sunset and 9 a.m. the following morning. Because hatchlings use the moon’s reflection on the water as the light that guides them to the Gulf, lights must be turned off or dimly lit by sunset to prevent them from becoming disoriented and heading inland. Nighttime beach activities are also limited. Do not disturb sea turtle tracks, eggs, adults, hatchlings or nest markers. Failure to comply with these restrictions will result in a penalty fine of $5,000. To report dead or injured sea turtles or if you have accidentally hooked a sea turtle that is small enough to rescue, contact: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission at 1-888-404-FWCC immediately. TURTLE SEASON May 1 – Oct. 31 WILDLIFE IN THE BAY Pelican Bay Member Guide 2023 96 PelicanBay.org